
Bruce was sent to a boarding school when he was little, and made the comment when he had kids that he would never send them to a boarding school. He saw a video of how he was when he was little at the boarding school and admits that he looked really sad and lost, and he would never wish that on any of his kids. He has really moved around the place over his life and so he has taught at many different schools, including going over to Bangladesh to teach for a while. His lovely wife Penny said that if he was to send the kids to a boarding school that it would have to be over her dead body, and he agrees with that to!!! They only have to kids, and both boys called Henry and George, and they love them very much. Bruce coaches a cricket team for little kids and also plays cricket for the town. He would have loved to have played cricket professionally but wasn’t good enough. He really seems to be a lovely kind of guy.