
I have just resigned from a very stressful and down heartening job. But I don’t feel quite how I expected I would. I thought I would feel more free and happy, but I kind of feel sad.

I don’t know how many of you have experienced that same kind of feeling or experienced similar feelings, but if you have I would much appreciate your input. As to why we feel this way even though work was really pulling us down, and not a very nice environment to be in.


My kittens


I finally got my kittens last Saturday. It has been such and exciting time, with lots of cuddles and playtimes. They have settled in well and seem to be enjoying their new home.

This is Peekaboo:


This is Sophie:


They are both very playful and this is what Peekaboo did pretty much as soon as I got him home…


They had a visit with the vet today, where they got very vocal with their meowing. Sophie got her stitches out and they both got vaccinated. Which they were very happy about… But they are exhausted now and this is where I found them…


But they are both doing pretty well, still figuring out the boundaries but are very kind and loving. I love them much!!!


Today my little brother just turned 9, it’s so sad but exciting at the same time. My little brother is growing up!!! I still remember when he was born and now he is almost double digits!

But the best news of all, for all of us today is that now my little brother shares his birthday with another very special part of the family. Our kitten was born today!!! She is a little Birman kitten and she is so cute. My little brother named her Sophie. We are all so very excited.

It has been a very good ending to the day!


This is a picture of her mother.



And this is a picture of what she will look like.

I am back

It feels like forever since I have been on WordPress, and maybe that is because it has been… Life has been so busy I have barely had time to think. But I have finally had some time, and have been able to come back and see what people have been up to… Which also makes me see just how long I have been away for… This is a sad but inevitable fact ;( but hopefully life has quietened down for a little while and I will be able to keep up with what is happening, because I really missed it, and am so happy to be back!!! I am looking forward to getting back into things again, and hope that you guys will be able to help fill me in with what I have missed!!!


Tony has been someone that hasn’t changed a lot over the 7 up series, in his emotions and feelings. Like he has changed obviously over the years but not in a huge tremendous way.

When he was 15 he left school as a jockey, which later on he decided that he didn’t want to do that anymore. So at the age of 21 he became a taxi driver. He said that one day as he was driving someone asked him for his autograph, and to this day he has found that funny because they wanted his autograph over someone else’s who was more famous.

When he was about 15 he said that he didn’t want to get married, but that changed as later on in life he got married to a wonderfully faithful wife. There was a time in his life where he was unfaithful to his wife but instead of them breaking up she stuck with him, through it all.

They had 3 kids, who then went on to have kids of there own. Tony is very family orientated and even got emotional whilst talking about them.

They had a holiday house in Spain, where they often spent a lot of time.

Tony is very grateful for his family and loves them dearly. And he is especially grateful for his wife and how faithful she was to him. He couldn’t have asked for a better wife!!!

Revision on Neil

Neil has been through a lot throughout his life and no one seems to really care. The TV series called 7 Up that he is in hasn’t really helped him much, as he has found that people have sent him letters and other things like that telling him that they understad what he is going through. He has made the comment that people watch 7 Up and then think that they know everything about him and what he is going through, but he has said that all the letters that he has read have been wrong. They have been talking about thungs that they think that he is going through, saying that they understand and he hasn’t been going through that at all. Thats his perception of it anyway, but I have found from my experience that some people can read into things and just because you don’t think that you are feeling that way doesn’t mean that you aren’t. It doesn’t mean that they know you better then yourself, but sometimes you can tell yourself that it is not true so much that you actually believe it. There is nothing wrong with that, it is just what we do subcontiously.

All Neils life he has wanted to do something important, to change something. But things didn’t look so good when he was homeless and he didn’t have a job. Neil took that to heart you could tell because he wasn’t very happy anymore and he started becoming more and more angry. Until he finnaly shifted to london and became a Liberaly Democrat. Then he shifted to England and became a council member there, helping to keep buildings there and keeping the towns history there.

Neil often said that his strengths are to just keep on going, which he has definitely done throughout his life. He has never completely given up on things, he might have lost heart a few times but he still comtinued on. There have also been a few times where he has been suicidal, but he hasn’t given in.

He has never gotten married which means that he has spent his life alone, which has definitely affected him as you can tell that he is lonely. He has gotten to terms with it yes but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t still find it hard. As he said that he finds that he is the happiest when he is around friends.

Neils faith in God has been an interesting ride, as there were many times in his life when he wasn’t sure what he believe if he even believed at all. But towards the end of his life he finnally became a strong and commited Christian, and he also got a license to preach and lead a church service.

Neil has said that he doesn’t wat to get too old. He also makes the comment that he loves to write, and writes often but no one ever reads his stuff. He says that even if someone was to read one of his stuff, and answered saying that it was horrible, it would be hard to hear but at least he wouldn’t feel ignored. At least he woud know that it wasn’t all for nothing, because at the moment he knows that people know that he writes but nobody cares enough to respond or even read his stuff. And he finds that hurtfull you can tell.

So I feel sorry for him for many reason, but at least he has the assurance that he is going to heaven and so can have a better life when he gets there!!!


Bruce was sent to a boarding school when he was little, and made the comment when he had kids that he would never send them to a boarding school. He saw a video of how he was when he was little at the boarding school and admits that he looked really sad and lost, and he would never wish that on any of his kids. He has really moved around the place over his life and so he has taught at many different schools, including going over to Bangladesh to teach for a while. His lovely wife Penny said that if he was to send the kids to a boarding school that it would have to be over her dead body, and he agrees with that to!!! They only have to kids, and both boys called Henry and George, and they love them very much. Bruce coaches a cricket team for little kids and also plays cricket for the town. He would have loved to have played cricket professionally but wasn’t good enough. He really seems to be a lovely kind of guy.


I recon suzi has changed the most of all the people that we have seen so far!!!

At the age of seven she seemed to be a spoilt rich kid, as she was at an extremely expensive boarding school. She seemed to not want to do anything herself she wanted to get other people to do her work for her, she had enough money. She even wanted to get a nannay to look after her kids for her if she was to have any kid.

At the age of fourteen her parents got diorced and that was really hard on her. She then went into a depressive and pushing people away mode. She didn’t want to be a part of the videos anymore and she was hiding from the camera.

At twenty-one she was smoking, didn’t want to get married and didn’t like the idea of having kids and even said that she didn’t like kids anymore.

At twenty-eight she got married and had two little boys. She said that that was probably enough and that she wouldn’t have anymore kids. She seemed to have brightend up and seemed genuanly happy with her life.

At thirty-five she had a daughter. She had changed her mind about getting a nanny and was in the middle of bringing up all three of her kids. She was happy, and acknowledged the fact that between tha ages of fourteen and twenty-one she had made alot of mistakes that she now regrets. She is not happy that she threw away her schooling, and that she didn’t have a strong relationship with her parents, because by the time she started to get closer to her parents they died.